A warm welcome!

The largest existing Jewish cemetery in Europe, located in Berlin-Weissensee at No. 45 Herbert-Baum-Strasse, is an impressive document of German cultural history, cultural heritage that is worthy of preservation, and a memorial for the future.

Since its inauguration in 1880, over 116,000 people have found their final resting place in this 43-hectare cemetery, most of whom were Berliners. The cemetery tells many stories of eminent figures and ordinary people.

Although the cemetery in Berlin-Weissensee continues to be used today as a burial ground by members of Berlin’s Jewish Community, for the overwhelming majority of the graves created before 1945 there are no children or children’s children to care for the graves — entire families were annihilated during the Shoah. These graves would be left to decay were it not for the commitment of those alive today.

A Jewish cemetery — traditionally known as Bet ha-olam, “place of eternity” — is indeed laid out for eternity. It is therefore a matter of great concern to the Jewish Community of Berlin to maintain this cemetery and protect it from decay.

Thanks to the support of the Berlin Monument Authority, the Senate of Berlin, the Federal Employment Agency, the German War Graves Commission, the German Armed Forces, the work of various groups and private donations, the cemetery administration has been able to carry out maintenance and restoration work, path repairs, and tree care over the past 30 years.

Preserving the cemetery for posterity is not something the Jewish community can do alone, as there are not enough funds available for the extensive maintenance and restoration work.

The Förderverein Jüdischer Friedhof Berlin-Weissensee e.V. (Friends of the Jewish Cemetery Berlin-Weissensee) sees it as its mission to carry out further measures to preserve this testimony to cultural history and protect it from further damage.

Help the Jewish Community of Berlin, help the Friends of the Jewish Cemetery Berlin-Weissensee to preserve this monument:

Förderverein Jüdischer Friedhof Berlin-Weißensee e.V.